Raise the bar weightlifting

Raising the Standard Through the Barbell


We all know when the doctor has something to say about weight gain, it’s time to do something…BIG! Both my son and I had gained quite a bit of weight over the previous year(s) much of which was directly related to various stressors. Neither of us had ever set foot into a gym, partly due to the stereotypical mindset and complete ignorance. Quite honestly, we’d never been quite this out of shape and never worried about it. Time to make a drastic change, mind & body. About a year ago, we’d been introduced to Justin Chauvin, as our assigned trainer at a new local gym. We’d started off with the dreaded measurements, weight, BMI, etc. I’m pretty sure that was worse than the actual training, when you’re faced with the reality you’ve let yourself go, maybe to a degree you never thought you would. That was our motivation! Awkwardly, we fumbled through our first sets of weight and strength training provided by Justin. It was so challenging, but we felt amazing once we’d started with his training regimen and personal efforts we committed to, in order to achieve our goals. Over the year, Justin has kept with his commitment to us, to push our limits, not allow us to give up & found ways to change things up to keep our interest & attention in check. Our progress has been steady. He’s been truly inspirational with his own personal goals, challenges, and stressors that he’s shared. We not only gained a trainer, but a friend. In the last year, we’ve dropped a combined total of 50+ lbs, many inches and quite a few percentage points in our BMI readings. We could not have been this successful without Justin and his dedication, commitment and genuine willingness to help aide us in our journey.
Jennifer Herbst
I am 48 years old – an age where it’s easy to assume that you’ve passed your physical prime and that your best athletic days are behind you. Those assumptions were turned on its head after I joined Boost Fitness and began my training sessions with Justin. Once he performed his initial evaluation of me and saw that I was determined to challenge myself and those preconceptions, he started me on his core-intensive routines. Introduced to exercises such as Burpees, Turkish Get Ups and a wide variety of lunges and squats, I quickly learned that, by strengthening the core, you make everything else stronger. Justin taught me how to fight through physical and mental walls, seeming to know my limitations better than even I did. In just a few short months, I began seeing more gains in stamina and strength than in all my years in the gym to that point. Not only am I able to now keep up with players half my age in sports such as volleyball, I am now challenging myself further by participating in Spartan races. The upcoming Fenway Sprint will be my third race completed this year. Again, I have Justin to thank for introducing me to them. In fact, he and I participated in my first race together. Finally, beyond the physical gains seen, I’ve benefitted internally as well. Only a few years ago, my doctor advised me to start taking medication to control my high cholesterol. Fast forward to today, he is instead marveling at the numbers that he sees and medication is no longer in the conversation. I could go on and on about how happy I am to have crossed paths with Justin. I cannot thank him enough for all that I’ve learned and gained through his training and for being taught a great lesson - that physical health truly has no age limit.
Paul Keohane
I had been an athletic person my entire life playing basketball, racquetball, tennis etc. and I had always kept myself in pretty good shape. At the age of 45 my doctor informed me that my knees were shot and that playing basketball was not an option unless I was looking to have a knee replacement in the near future. After basketball I struggled to find something to fill the void and from the age of 45 to 50 years old I put on 35 pounds and my Cholesterol level went over 220. My doctor wanted to put me on medication but I asked him to give me a year to get myself together. I decided to join Boost Fitness to get myself back into shape. I went for about three months but I was not seeing any improvement. The reason for this was because I was inconsistent with my attendance and quite frankly I never went into the gym with a game plan. My wife encouraged me to get a personal trainer to get on track. I followed her advice and Justin Chauvin was assigned to be my trainer. This was a perfect fit from the beginning. Justin is very serious and knowledgeable about fitness. He assessed my situation and came up with a comprehensive plan to get me on track. The beginning was brutal for me as I was in terrible shape, my flexibility was poor and my core was weak. Through this period Justin was very encouraging and positive. He knew just how far to push me, and once I got comfortable with a routine he would change it up and make it more challenging. He has kept my workout routine challenging and diverse which makes me want to come to the gym as it is never boring. One thing that Justin has done that no one else could do over the five year period when I let myself get out of shape was give me the desire to come to the gym even when I did not want to. Without having my scheduled workouts I am positive that I would have started to blow off workouts and then stop showing up at all. I have been working out with Justin now for about 9 months and during this time I have seen a tremendous change in myself. I have more energy, I am in much better shape and I have the desire to keep improving. I know I am doing the workout but having Justin there pushing and encouraging me is what has truly made the difference. His style as a trainer is not in your face but rather an educational experience, although I must say when I am dogging it he lets me know it. I am proud to say that my body fat has been continually declining, I feel more like an athlete again and most importantly I do not have to take Cholesterol medication as my numbers have dropped back under 200. I enjoy working out with Justin and know that he has played an important role in this process.
John Meciak